Thursday, September 5, 2013

Word Study

We believe that reading, writing, speaking and listening skills develop best when students are given strong and rigorous opportunities for word study that ultimately culminate in sophisticated and fluent academic performance in literacy.  Word study for our students is a daily practice of the relationship between sounds, letters, letter-clusters and word meanings across the curriculum so that students learn to fluently read, write, spell and understand words regardless of what subject they are studying.

The components of word study include:
         phonological awareness
         phonemic awareness
         spelling patterns
         high frequency words

All students will be exposed to grade level expectations in word study.  Research has shown that traditional spelling lists are not always best practice.  While children can write words correctly on a spelling test, they are not always able to transfer that correct spelling into their own writing.  The ultimate goal of spelling is that it is used to communicate clearly in writing.  The words children learn how to spell must also be useful for them in their personal writing. 

Our first grade frogs will receive 10-20 minutes of explicit word instruction daily with additional focus on word learning throughout the reading and writing workshops.  Your child will increase his/her understanding of words as he or she engages in experiences using a variety of literature (e.g. picture books, poetry, and nonfiction), as well as during modeled, shared and independent writing experiences.  This instruction will support your child in applying spelling strategies and noticing patterns in words to help him/her make generalizations about the spelling and meaning of all words in multiple contexts.  The study of words and their meaning will be incorporated within content areas.

Word Study will be integrated throughout the day and will be formally and informally assessed as your child connects and applies their word knowledge and use of spelling patterns through the reading and writing activities in which they participate.   Over the course of the year, your child will be assessed in a variety of ways.  At the end of each unit of study an assessment of learning will occur.  Evidence of how your child transfers the explicit word study skills and strategies into his/her reading and writing is the primary focus of the program and will be emphasized.

Take a look at the pictures below and see our Word Study in ACTION!!  

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