The Center for Gifted-Midwest Torrance Center for Creativity
Hands-on STEM based workshops for motivated, inquisitive learners!
STEM Grades 3-8
Design and construct a power-generating wind turbine! Experiment with different materials and blade designs. How many volts will you generate? Bring your wind turbine home for further experimentation. Lab fee: $15
Create a Lego Movie! Grades 1-3
Create a Lego motive with a partner using a digital camera, movie software and Lego WeDo robots. Bring your movie home on a USB flash drive to share with friends and family. Lab fee: $5 (Flash drives will be provided)
Parent Seminar
Bright, talented children and young people need fresh, new opportunities for developing their thinking and advancing their many kids of talents at home and at school. This parent seminar will share ideas on how to encourage your child's capacity to create, problem solve, and be productive. Many examples relating to topics of science, math, language arts, and the arts will be shared. Each parent will receive a notebook of materials; books will be available for purchase. This seminar is free of charge, and pre-registration is not required.
Located right here at Hough Street School on Sunday, November 2nd from 2-5 p.m.!
Tuition: 45$ (+ lab fee)
register online at www.centerforgifted.org
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