Thursday, April 17, 2014

Life in a Pond

A pond might look quiet and still, but take a closer look.  You'll see it's a small, busy world.  Animals depend on the pond for many things, like water to drink...and plants to eat.  Many animals begin life in the pond.  A dragonfly nymph will grow underwater and become a dragonfly.  Tadpoles grow underwater to become frogs.  Wrigglers grow underwater to become mosquitoes.  Many plants grow in the pond, too.  Plants provide food and are good places for animals to hide.  Some birds build their nests in the plants.  Many animals live on the shore.  Turtles lay their eggs there.  Many animals, such as crayfish, snails, salamanders and geese live in and around a pond.

In preparation for our field experience to Stillman Nature Center, our First Grade Frogs have been collecting information relating to the pond habitat.  Check out our amazing research!

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