Thursday, May 8, 2014

Poisson d' Avril

In France, April Fools’ Day is known for “poisson d’avril” or April Fish.

 According to popular beliefs, the New Year used to start on the 1st of April. 

However, King Charles IX wanted the year to start on the 1st of January. 
 Legend has it that some people were not happy with this change and continued

 to celebrate the New Year on April 1st.  The people who DID embrace the new

 calendar started to mock the reluctant ones and gave them false presents and

 played tricks on them. When the jokes started to become more common,

false fish were often used to trick the victim.  There lies the legendary origin of

 April Fish, stuck on the back of the fools.  Today, French children try to stick

a fish picture on their friends' back. When the joke is discovered,

they shout "poisson d'avril!"

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